- 1959
- The Company was established and sales began as a forging Company with facilities such as surface processing equipment, blast machines, dust collectors and abrasive materials (shot, grit)
- 1960
- New plant completed in Chiba prefecture and machinery production started.
- 1966
- LPG cylinder blast machine development and sales were established.
- 1970
- Abrasive media factory established in Tochigi prefecture.
- 1979
- The manufacture of forged steel shot and grit was established.
- 1980
- Company capital increased to JPY80 million.
- 1985
- Introduction of FA into the factory production line.
- 1991
- Joint development was started of the Railway Technical Research Institute for the injection system“Cerajet”with all JR companies [Shinkansen ] [Local Line] [Freight]
- 2002
- ISO 9001:2000 was approved.
- 2008
- Opened Nagoya Business Office.
- 2010
- Opened Kanagawa Office.
Established a corporate company in Bangkok, Thailand
- 2011
- Established a corporate company and a plant in China, Jiang .Su Opened Kyushu Office.
Manufacturing of Blasting Machines on a commercial basis was started with the cooperation of a company in Indonesia.
- 2013
- Head office relocation
- 2014
- JIS Q 9100:2009 was approved
- 2017
- Kyushu Sales Office relocation
- 2020
- New plant completed in Iwaki City, Fukushima prefecture